Monday, November 11, 2019

Eat Protein, Fat and Vegetables

Each one of your meals should include a protein source, a fat source, and low-carb vegetables.
Constructing your meals in this way will automatically bring your carb intake into the recommended range of 20–50 grams per day.

Protein Sources

  1. Meat: Beef, chicken, pork, lamb, etc.
  2. Fish and Seafood: Salmon, trout, shrimp, etc.
  3. Eggs: Whole eggs with the yolk are best.
The importance of eating plenty of protein cannot be overstated.
This has been shown to boost metabolism by 80 to 100 calories per day.
High-protein diets can also reduce cravings and obsessive thoughts about food by 60%, reduce the desire for late-night snacking by half and make you so full that you automatically eat 441 fewer calories per day — just by adding protein to your diet.
When it comes to weight loss tips, protein is the king of nutrients. Period.

Low-Carb Vegetables

  1. Broccoli
  2. Cauliflower
  3. Spinach
  4. Tomatoes
  5. Kale
  6. Brussels sprouts
  7. Cabbage
  8. Swiss chard
  9. Lettuce
  10. Cucumber
  11. Full list here.
Don’t be afraid to load your plate with these low-carb vegetables. You can eat massive amounts of them without going over 20–50 net carbs per day.
A diet based mostly on meat and vegetables contains all the fiber, vitamins and minerals you need to be healthy.

Fat Sources

  1. Olive oil
  2. Coconut oil
  3. Avocado oil
  4. Butter
Eat 2–3 meals per day. If you find yourself hungry in the afternoon, add a 4th meal.
Don’t be afraid of eating fat, as trying to do both low-carb AND low-fat at the same time is a recipe for failure. It will make you feel miserable and abandon the plan.
To see how you can assemble your meals, check out this low-carb meal plan and this list of 101 healthy low-carb recipes.

Dianabol (Dbol)

The infamous pink pill that has the potential to turn you ‘huge’ in a matter of days. The ‘feel good’ steroid, the ‘easiest steroid’ to get big. We have heard many an anecdote about the big D. Our association with Dianabol began in the early 1980s, when it was all over gyms and sporting fields. It came highly recommended from a guy who had a notorious reputation on the track. Not to mention that almost everybody dwarfed under him. Boy, was he big. But he also died prematurely, at the age of 38 due to cardiac arrest. In fact, a lot of big guys in the 80s died premature deaths and this was what set alarm bells ringing in the medical community about steroid abuse. Well, that’s for another day. Today, we will talk about Buy Dianabol, the most famous oral steroid of all times.

Chemical structure

Dianabol is the brand name for Methandrostenolone, an anabolic steroid derived from Testosterone. Two alterations are made to the testosterone hormone. A double bond is added at the Carbon 1 and 2 positions and a methyl group is added at the 17th position. This significantly reduces the androgenicity of the drug, amplifies the anabolic nature and allows it to survive, breakdown by the liver. Common Names Methandrostenolone was marketed under the brand name Dianabol by Ciba until 1983, when it finally pulled the plug on the compound due to mounting pressure from the FDA. But that’s the name that has been synonymous with the drug. Some of the other nicknames that it is known by are Anabol, Danabol, Vetanabol and the D-Bomb.

Main Uses

Because it is a testosterone-derived anabolic steroid, Dianabol has a very straightforward action in the human body in a performance enhancement setting. It increases nitrogen retention, protein synthesis and gylcogenolysis (better use of carbohydrates that we consume). But that would be to put it mildly, for the results that one achieves with Dianabol is unlike what you will get with any other steroid.
Mass gain:

If you have always been a hard gainer, then Dianabol will move the scales in no time. It is hands down, one of the most effective mass gaining steroids of all times. There are people who trash the drug saying that all the mass that you gain will be water and glycogen. That’s a huge load of bull. It’s true that Dianabol will cause water retention and you will lose some of that water when you go off the drug. But you can make some neat muscle gains while you are on cycle. And you can also retain these gains with a good PCT.

Dianabol rivals Winstrol in increasing strength. You will cruise through plateaus and set new personal bests. On the track, you will be stronger and faster than ever before. Also, these gains occur fast. Almost dramatic, if that’s the right way to put it. Most first-timers on Dianabol are surprised at how fast they can rack plates to the rod.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Dame Julie Andrews Is On-Board For 'The Princess Diaries 3'

Dame Julie Andrews Is On-Board For 'The Princess Diaries 3'
Dame Julie Andrews celebrity has admitted she's "on board" with a third installment of The Princess Diaries franchise.
The British acting legend played Queen Clarice Renaldi in the hit 2001 flick and its 2004 sequel, The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement, and revealed she would love to revive her role alongside Oscar-winning Anne Hathaway.
Speaking to Entertainment Tonight, the screen veteran gave the loyal subjects of Genovia (by "subjects" - we mean us) a major glimmer of hope that a third film could soon be on the horizon.
She said: "If she (Anne) would like me to be then [yes]... I don't think the script's even been written.
"Think of how many years its been since that came out. And she's a busy lady. And I've been a busy lady. Getting it all together... but in this magical business, you never know."
Last week, the Mary Poppins actress spoke about the beloved film series and told Andy Cohen on Watch What Happens Live that she "hasn't heard" anything about a revival - but said she would be interested in starring in it.
"I think if it happens it will be lovely and if it doesn't, I wouldn't have known about it," she told the host.
There has been much talk about reviving the franchise this year after Anne, who played the lead character Mia Thermopolis, said on WWHL in January that a script for a third movie exists, and claimed the writers were in the process of perfecting the plot.
Contrary to Julie's recent comments, Anne shared at the time: "There is a script for the third movie. I want to do it. Julie wants to do it. Debra Martin Chase, our producer, wants to do it. We all really want it to happen.
"It's just we don't want to unless it's perfect because we love it just as much as you guys love it. It's as important to us as it is to you, and we don't want to deliver anything until it's ready, but we're working on it so..."

Geometric Designs in Jewelry

Triangles and trapezoids, polygons and pentagons--all types of geometric shapes are showing up in designer lines. Even basic circle and squa...